EntryPoint ╤ A Macintosh User Laboratory Front End
⌐ 1995, Glendower Software Ltd.
Version 1.0
User╒s Guide
EntryPoint has been designed to provide easy access for inexperienced users to the different application options available in a typical networked Macintosh laboratory. The user is presented with one or two pop-up-menus from which they can choose the class of application they wish to use, and the specific application to launch.
EntryPoint will automatically mount any network volumes that are required for the particular type of use chosen. For example if MedLine is chosen, then access to MedLine CD-ROMs is required, and these volumes will be mounted automatically.
EntryPoint requires System 7.0 or later, running on a Macintosh Plus or later.
Using EntryPoint
The main dialog contains four controls: one button marked OK and another button marked either Shut Down or Quit, and two pop-up-menus whose contents vary according to the way the program has been configured.
The first pop-up-menu allows you to choose the type of function, for example: word processing; computer aided learning; or graphics. The second pop-up-menu then allows you to choose the specific application to use. For example, if word processing is the selected function in the first pop-up-menu, then the second pop-up-menu may allow you to choose either ClarisWorks or MacWrite Pro. Having made the choice, click the OK button, or press the Return or Enter key to launch the selected application.
When a particular function has only one option for the specific application, the second pop-up-menu will be unavailable.
EntryPoint will then mount any required network volumes, and launch the selected application. EntryPoint will then disappear from view. If EntryPoint has trouble mounting any of the network volumes, the following dialog will appear for each such volume.
If there is insufficient available memory to launch the chosen application, the following dialog will appear.
After quitting the application in the usual manner, EntryPoint will automatically reappear and unmount any unused network volumes. You are then free to choose a new application to launch. If you wish EntryPoint to reappear without first quitting the application, simply choose ╥EntryPoint╙ from the application menu at the extreme right hand side of the menu bar.
Clicking on the copyright information in the lower left corner of the dialog box will bring up the about box, while option-clicking will bring up information about the Macintosh and system software running on it.
Clicking the Shut Down button will quit all running applications, saving any open documents, and shut the Macintosh down. EntryPoint can be configured to automatically shut the computer down after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Pressing the option key changes the Shut Down button to Quit, which when clicked quits the EntryPoint program completely.
Configuring EntryPoint
Holding down the command key changes the Shut Down button to Edit╔, which when clicked invokes the editor, allowing you to configure the operation of EntryPoint.
There are three lists that control the contents of the function and application pop-up-menus. One pop-up-menu controls the default font used by applications. You can specify the name of the boot disk, to prevent its name from being changed. Finally there are three check boxes that determine whether EntryPoint checks for AppleTalk, and whether it shuts down automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity, and whether the Shut Down button should read Quit by default.
Note that only one of the three lists or the boot disk name edit box can be active at any given time, the rest are inactive. Menu choices and key presses will be directed to the active interface element. Clicking in one of these four elements activates it, and deactivates the previously active element. Pressing the Tab key cycles clockwise through the four elements, while pressing shift-Tab cycles anti-clockwise.
The order of items in these three lists can be changed by selecting an item, and dragging it up or down. When the mouse button is released, the item will be repositioned appropriately.
Choosing the Edit Item╔ item from the Edit menu or double clicking one of the list items will bring up an edit box appropriate for that list.
Editing an item in the Function list brings up the following dialog. Entering a new name for the function will update the relevant list item and, consequently, the name that appears in the function pop-up-menu in EntryPoint╒s main dialog.
Editing an item in the Network Volumes list brings up the following dialog. Specify the zone, server and volume to mount. Clicking the Registered User check box shows or hides the User Name and Password edit boxes. If the Registered User check box is unchecked EntryPoint will attempt to log on to the server as a guest. If checked, a user name and password is required to log on to the server. If one or both of these edit boxes is unfilled, a dialog box will appear when mounting the volumes, allowing you to enter the required information.
Clicking the Choose╔ button brings up the following dialog, which allows you to choose any currently mounted network volume. When the OK button is clicked, all the information will be entered into the above dialog. Note that the password must still be be filled in manually.
Editing an item in the Applications list brings up the following dialog. Specify the item name to appear in the application pop-up-menu, the application╒s name and its pathname as shown. Be sure to use colons (:) as separators in the pathname. You may also specify a document for the application to open when it is launched. The document may reside in a different folder and may be an alias. If the document edit box is empty, the application will be launched as if its icon had been double-clicked in the Finder.
Clicking the Choose╔ button will bring up a standard file dialog, allowing you to more easily select the desired application or document. Choosing an application fills in the left hand application edit boxes, while choosing a document fills in the right hand document edit boxes.
If you have no applications specified for a given function, EntryPoint will simply bring the Finder to the front, when that function is chosen.
Choosing New Item╔ from the Edit menu adds a new item to the bottom of the currently selected list and opens the appropriate edit dialog for that list. Choosing Clear from the Edit menu, or pressing the Delete or Clear key, deletes the selected item from the selected list. Items can be reordered in any of the three lists. Select an item, and drag it to reposition it anywhere in the list.
A password can be installed into EntryPoint that will prevent access to the editor by unauthorised individuals. While using the editor, choose Change Password╔ from the Edit menu, and complete a dialog. Whenever the Edit╔ button is clicked, the password will have to be entered. To clear the password, clear the contents of the Change Password╔ dialog box.
The other elements of the editor dialog box are responsible for controlling the Macintosh environment. You can specify both the default application font using a pop-up-menu. Enter the name of the boot disk into the Boot Disk Name edit box. If the disk name is changed, it will be reset whenever EntryPoint is launched.
If the Shut Down Automatically check box is set, EntryPoint will automatically shut down the Macintosh after 15 minutes of inactivity. If the Check For AppleTalk check box is set EntryPoint will present a dialog if AppleTalk is switched off at startup. It will then launch the Chooser, allowing the user to switch AppleTalk on.
Finally, EntryPoint automatically clears all network volumes that have been set to mount automatically at startup from within the Chooser.
Clicking the OK button will save the changes you have made, while clicking the Cancel button will discard any changes you have made with the editor, returning EntryPoint to its previous state.
You can copy the configuration set up from another EntryPoint application by choosing Open╔ from the File menu. Simply select the required file from the resulting dialog box.
License and Warranty
EntryPoint and its associated files (╥the software╙) is licensed to you by Glendower Software Ltd. Ownership of the copyrights for this software remains with Glendower Software Ltd.
Glendower Software Ltd. makes no warranty as to the performance of the software. The user accepts the program as it stands. Glendower Software Ltd. will make every effort to fix any bugs found in the software but is not obligated to do so. Glendower Software Ltd. is not liable for any loss of data or profits associated with the use of the software. In no event will Glendower Software Ltd. be liable for more than the price paid for the software.
We are always keen to receive feedback from the Macintosh community.
You can reach the EntryPoint development team at the following email addresses:
Or contact Glendower Software Ltd. at:
12 Grosvenor Terrace
Wellington 1
New Zealand
Trademarks and Copyrights
ClarisWorks and MacWrite Pro are registered trademarks of Claris Corporation.
Macintosh, Finder and HyperCard are registered trademarks of Apple Computer.
MacSPIRS is copyrighted by Silver Platter International.
Other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.